Saturday, October 20, 2012

Seriously, I was completely up and running, my mother and sister looked good enough little strange

OMG, books are as beautiful. Especially when they can bring strong feelings donald duck in one .. And especially when it mixes two of my favorite things: books and series. Today I finally got a book I've been waiting a very long time! I pre-ordered it, but the release donald duck date was constantly changed, but now I finally got it.
I've got my LOST encyclopedia! LOST is my ultimate donald duck favorite series. I love all the characters and the story, even if it is far-fetched. The series does SO much for me. And when I got this book, I was so extremely happy. It's good enough long ago that I was so happy about something. I jumped and danced and screamed and was totally fangirl-esque. Not least because that is not at all what I had expected. I had expected a little shitty paperback (excuse the language), with no right content. But it's just the most beautiful book, and the coolest LOST encyclopedia. I LOVE IT. Such a book should donald duck be for all series!
Seriously, I was completely up and running, my mother and sister looked good enough little strange to me. But honestly, even if you do not know the series, then you must surely see that it is absolutely fantastic book:
About coewless Hello! My name is Eva and I am a girl of 19 years. My hobbies consist of reading, watching series, nail polish, write blogs and be with family

and friends. My favorite book is Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, and I love love love the Harry Potter series! By TV series is my favorite LOST! I love the series. Otherwise, I love Dexter, Friends, Glee, The vampire diaries, Misfits and many more! I am a very happy and funny girl who loves life. I love blogging and writing in general!
Wow, that book looks fat! I've never seen Lost, but before considered to start. What is the series so concretely about? I'm really looking forward too much to Harry Potter will premiere! I seem to delight me more this time than the last movie,

so I do not know. But I am well enough to see how they have chosen to piece it (the) last film together - especially when you are reading donald duck the book again, one can not help but wonder how they choose to do different things, etc. . And thank you so much! : D I love knitting - no, I'm donald duck fairly obsessed with knitting. But it IS nice!
Girl, I like your blog: D I can see that you are out and sniff the crime genre and total crime geek, I can just recommend such Camilla Lackberg and Kathy Reichs (whose novels inspired the TV series Bones ^ ^ yay! ) Anyway - nice to find an interesting blog on such a boring, small Wednesday! Thank you for viewing; DI shall return ... / / Louise
I like weird series! xD I will check Wiki out so, and then I'll consider starting to see Lost! Sad, yes, no doubt that the last HP film will be that. But quite uncommon cool thing is I do not doubt that they probably should be. Oh, I am! Thank you! Knitting machine IS bold - we just finished with 70s carpet, so we are flux have started something new! xD There is no qualms when it goes as fast as it goes.
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