Thursday, November 1, 2012

- Jesus to the people of Israel sent 12 disciples with the news (Mat. 10:5-7). And after Christ

Here's what the translation and its target translator says Darius Kundrotas "Bestudijuodamas Bible school, I learned that in 1611 the year of the original manuscripts, copies of the English language have been translated word for word, the King James version. The King James version was launched in 1604 to translate and complete translation in 1611. 1604 England's King James appointed 54 interpreters, that they take to translate into English neiškraipytąjį the Old and New Testament text. 47 of them fully completed the work assigned to them. These translators knew many languages ​​they spoke freely of Hebrew and Greek, was well mastered these languages ​​and their teaching in universities. In addition, these translators were all believers in Christ as your Savior and trust in the word of God ...
Translating the King James version, rather it literally - as she and the English language have been translated from the Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) languages. The literal translation is extremely important, because the Bible says: "... man does not live by bread alone, but [...] every word that proceeds out of the mouth the Lord" (Deuteronomy 8:3) ... In some places its value, in the Old Testament, I left Hebraism, which are especially kids dictionary abundant SB CHYLIŃSKA, A. Juren, L. Reza, Russian and Polish bibles. The latter bibles given special attention to the literal translation of which is very lacking in K. Bubbles in translation ...
Well, noble goals, but it is useful to know that the Bible originated in Lithuanian, not because the other translations are inaccurate. Naturally funny and the fact that the literal translation of the English language can be more accurate and more valuable than a translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts.
Probably should kids dictionary say I put A and B. Well the truth is that this translation was inspired by the so-called "equitable division of the word" Proponents of a kind of theology that comes from Baptist groups, based on the English translation of the KJV. While this is not a translation of the published news and flaky training, not exactly "fits" into the framework of logic and is strongly restricted. Therefore, attempts kids dictionary were made to translate the Lithuanian language. kids dictionary In other words, in my opinion, the translation is, but he made a strong motivated people, which in itself will lead to many misunderstandings.
Let's say this group is to divide everything like that, even the apostle Paul separated from the other apostles and the Jewish people, and even invented that Paul "never preached previously unpublished news. In other words "equitable division of the word" supporters "invented" a new gospel, here is an excerpt kids dictionary from "fair division of the word" kids dictionary supporters page "message of grace":
- Jesus to the people of Israel sent 12 disciples with the news (Mat. 10:5-7). And after Christ's resurrection, the 12 apostles preached the message to the people of Israel - circumcision (Galatians 2:9). - The pagan Christ sent a completely different apostles kids dictionary - Paul and separate from the rest of the apostles, with a new message, which has never previously been published (Eph. 3:1-10; Pending. 1:23-27, Rom. 16:25-26;

Tit . 1:2-3, 2 Tim. 1:9-11).
Not all of radicalism unfortunately salt. This may be flesh or some doctrine of 6:29 afternoon
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